According to the 2024 annual review requirements of scholarship councils and the work arrangements of Xiamen University, 2024 Xiamen University international students scholarship annual college review will take place from April 25to May 15. The details are as follows:
1. 中国政府奖学金(含海洋奖学金、商务部奖学金和东盟菁英奖学金);
2. 福建省政府奖学金;
3. 厦门市陈嘉庚奖学金;
4. 厦门大学国际学生新生奖学金。
I. Annual Review Scholarship Programs:
1.Chinese Government Scholarship (including Marine Scholarship, MOFCOM and ACYLS Scholarship)
2. Fujian Government Scholarship
3. Tan Kah Kee Scholarship
4. Xiamen University International Students Scholarship
*The Overseas Education College will issue notices of the annual review of International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship later.
1. 正常学制内2024年9月之后需继续享受各类奖学金的学生;
2. 原计划2024年7月毕业但未能按期完成学业,申请奖学金延期的中国政府奖学金博士生;
II. Participants
1. Current scholarship students whose program duration lasts for more than 1 year (not including 2024 graduating students)
2. PhD graduating doctoral students who are eligible to apply for CSC scholarship extension; should have passed the mid-term test and dissertation proposal.
3.Review name lists can be obtained at https://xsc.xmu.edu.cn/info/1029/98511.htm(Should there be any missing or incorrect information, please write to osao@xmu.edu.cn or consult us at OSAO office.)
1. 道德品行(30分)
2. 学习成绩(30分)
3. 学习/科研态度(20分)
4. 活动表现(20分)
III. Evaluation Contents
1. Morals and conducts (30 points)
2. Academic performance (30 points)
For students enrolled before 2023: final exam results of the 2022/2023 AY second and third semester and the 20232024 AY first semester.
For students enrolled in 2023: final exam results of the 2023/2024 AY first semester
3. Learning / Research Attitude (20 points)
4. Activities Performance (20 points)
For details of the review contents and standards, please refer to the attachment Implementation Measures of Xiamen University for the Annual Evaluation of Students for the Chinese Government Scholarships (Trial).
1. 第一轮:院级评审 4月25日- 5月15日
2. 第二轮:校级评审 5月15日-5月27日
3. 第三轮:奖学金主管单位评审,七月-八月公布结果 IV. Procedures
1. First-round: College Review: April 25-May 15
2. Second-round: University Review May 15-27
3. Final-round: Scholarship Council Review; Final result due in July or August
1. 最终年审结果:奖学金主管部门于7月或8月公布最终结果,年审未通过者,将根据具体情况中止一年或永久取消奖学金资格。学校于2024年9月起执行年审结果。
3. 如有累计两次未通过奖学金评审的或无故不参加评审的取消奖学金资格。
V. Results
1. Result of the final round: The final result will be released by the scholarship council in July or August. For students who fail the annual review, the scholarship will be suspended for one year or terminated permanently. The final result will be effective from Sept, 2024.
2. Suspension/Cancellation of Scholarship: for students who fail the annual review, the scholarship will be suspended or cancelled from Sept. 2024.
Suspension: the scholarship will be suspended from Sept. 2024. Students can continue to study as self-supporting students during the suspended AY and apply to attend next year’s annual review. If students pass next year’s annual review with the approval of the scholarship council, the scholarship can be resumed again.
Cancellation: the scholarship will be cancelled from Sept. 2024. Students can continue to study as self-supporting students.
3. Students who fail the annual review for 2 consecutive academic years and students who fail to attend the annual review without any persuasive reasons will be deprived of scholarship permanently.
1. 使用CSC号登陆留学基金委管理系统https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/,选择“奖学金年度自评”,进入页面后填写问卷,并按照要求填写自评信息,上传成绩单。
2. 请确保自己在5月5日17:00前(北京时间)完成相应内容。在此过程中,如有任何问题,请联系学院经办人,具体联系人信息附后。
1. 登陆https://xmuxg.xmu.edu.cn/xmu/app/226,根据首页的操作指南提示填写“本人在本学年内的表现情况”。
2. 请确保自己在5月5日17:00前(北京时间)完成相应内容。在此过程中,如有任何问题,请联系学院经办人,具体联系人信息附后。
VI. How to attend the review
A.Chinese Government Scholarship Program
Log in https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/ with CSC No., enter “Annual review of scholarship”section, complete the questionnaire, fill out self-review information and submit transcript.
Students should make sure to complete the information online before 17:00 May 5 (GMT+8). If students have any questions, please contact their college coordinators. Please see attached for college coordinator information.
B.Other scholarship programs
1.Log in the online system https://xmuxg.xmu.edu.cn/xmu/app/226, check out the instructions on the first page and submit the “Summary of my performance in this academic year” online.
2. Students should make sure to complete the information online before 17:00 May 5 (GMT+8). If students have any questions, please contact their college coordinators. Please see attached for college coordinator information.
2. 流程
A. 登陆研究生院网站申请学籍延期并确保导师审核通过,具体请咨询学院教学秘书
B. 登陆留学基金委管理系统参加年度评审,具体可参见以上年审通知
C. 登陆留学基金委管理系统提交延期申请
D. 联系学院经办人登陆留学基金委系统进行审核
3. 结果
2024 Chinese Government Scholarship Extension
1. The CSC only accepts extension application of PhD students. (NOT including Marine and MOFCOM Scholarship programs)
***Doctoral students applying for extension should meet the following requirements:
A.Should attend and pass 2024 annual review
B.Should have passed the dissertation proposal
C.Should have passed mid-term test
D.Should have a good academic attitude and performance
E.Should not extend the scholarship for more than 1 year. Scholarship for doctoral students should not exceed 5 years.
2. Procedures
A. Log in the Graduate School System online to apply for study extension at Xiamen University and make sure your supervisor has approved the application. Please consult the teaching secretary for details.
B. Log in https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/ with CSC No., enter “Annual review of scholarship”section, complete the questionnaire, fill out self-review information and submit transcript.
Please refer to the above items for more details of the annual review.
C. Log in https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/ with CSC No., enter “Scholarship Extension”section, fill out the application information according to the instructions.
D. Contact your college coordinator to log in the CSC system and complete college opinions for your extension application.
Students should make sure that they complete the above procedures before 17:00 May 5(GMT+8). If you have any questions, please contact your college coordinator. Please see attached for college coordinator information.
3. CSC will release the final result in July or August and your college will notify you accordingly.
2024年院系国际学生奖学金年审工作人员联系方式2023Annual Review College Coordinator Information.pdf
Notice on the Release of the Implementation Measures of Xiamen University for the Annual Evaluation of Students for the Chinese Government Scholarships (Trial).pdf
2024年CSC奖学金年审学生表格填写指南Guidance for students to fill out forms for 2024 CSC Annual Review.pdf